Ikuya Takahashi


エクソフォニー作家による一冊。『言葉と歩く日記』📚by 多和田葉子










「ハイデガッガーがトラークル論の中で、この詩人が『Im Dunkel(闇の中で)』という詩の中で『schweigen(黙る)』を他動詞として使っていることに着目していることを思い出した。『黙る』は普通、目的語をとらない。黙るときは対象がないと決めつけていいものだろうか。文法に思考を譲り渡してはいけない。『黙る』時、そして『死ぬ』時こそ、直接目的語を捜した方がいいような気がする。」




Yoko Tawada “Kotoba to aruku nikki”

Yoko Tawada is one of the most internationally acclaimed contemporary Japanese authors. She was awarded with numerous renowned literary awards including the National Book Awards, the Akutagawa Prize and the Tanizaki Prize. Some people say she’s closer to the Nobel Prize in literature than Murakami is. She is considered as an “exophony” writer. I hadn’t known the word until I read this book of Tawada. Exophony writers craft their work in their second language. Nabokov, Conrad, and Agota Christoph fall under this category.

This book is a “diary” written when she travels to many places. She ponders on the language, life, and identity in two languages, German and Japanese. It is surprising that someone like her who starts studying a foreign language after they have become an adult attain so high a language proficiency level that they can write poetry in their second language. By the way, her major at university was Russian literature.

Some of the sentences in this book were thought-provoking.

“I want to convey the potential of the language to the younger generation. If your child gets home proudly with their exam results of full marks, their parents could say “It’s a pity that there is no space to improve any more”. Then, if the child grins to hear that, he or she might understand that language is not there so that it should always be understood as it is said”

I totally agree with this notion. Words have different meanings depending on who uses them and so do interpretations. Languages can be a dagger as well as a healer. We should remember that.

“We shouldn’t think that we are the owners of words and can use them at our disposal to describe how we feel. The words had existed well before I was born and they have their distinctive history. They will never feel sad even if I die and will continue to exist”

Yes, we should be more humble when we use words.

Oe kenzaburo says he has always oscillated among 3 languages, English, French, and Japanese, which makes his style so unique and enticing. So is Tawada’s.

Unfortunately, this diary is not available in English yet, but many of her works are. Have you read any?
