Ikuya Takahashi


明治時代に渡仏を成し遂げた作家の心情に触れる一冊。『ふらんす物語』📚by 永井荷風







“French Stories” Kafu Naga

We are going to read and discuss Kafu Nagai in the next class, so I am reading one of his representative works entitled “French Stories”. I had not known almost anything about Nagai. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I started delving into his life. I found his life extraordinary and discovered that he himself had been a very unique and distinctive character. Born into a well-to-do family, his father being an able bureaucrat and shrewd businessman, Nagai received elite education.

However, he was sort of a rebel and didn’t make the most of it and instead started going to the Yoshihawa red light district when he was still 17. At the same time, he was a man of refined tastes, learning how to play the shakuhachi, a Japanese bamboo flute. Although he enrolled himself in the Chinese department of a university, he dropped out. Seeing all these, his father decided to send him to America and France for 5 years in total. After staying in America for 4 years, he went to France to work as a banker, only to quit his job after 10 months and go back to Japan.

After returning to Japan, he became a professor at Keio University. Émile Zola and Mori Ogai were among the authors he most admired. While he detested Tokyo becoming more and more westernized, he had a strong nostalgia towards the old Edo.

A Tokyoite to the core, Kafu depicted Tokyo with affection previously never attained by other writers. I am now totally hooked on his works and life. I can’t wait to read more of his books.
