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Ikuya Takahashi

Wordsmithを感じられる一冊。“4321” 📚by Paul Auster

“4321” 📚by Paul Auster


Paul Austerは大学のゼミで扱ったぐらい好きな作家で、ほぼ全作品読んでいる。彼の魅力は何と言ってもその文体であろう。音読するとそのリズムの良さが際立つ。今回の作品は途中で挫折しかけたこともあるが、2年前ぐらいから少しずつ読み進めてきた。小説を読むときには作品のプロットというよりも文章そのものに惹かれてしまう傾向がある。



I have just finished reading “4321” by Paul Auster, which is a 866-page novel. I’ve been an avid reader of Paul Auster for the past 20 years. One of his strongest charms is his writing style which is so rhythmic and enchanting. I am the kind of a reader who is drawn to words and sentences which writers compose with his or her virtuosity rather than to the plot itself.

His beautifully crafted sentences are hypnotizing and his works are always page-turners. He is a genuine wordsmith.

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